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Monday, February 15, 2021 10:52 AM

What Does God Desire?

Monday, February 15, 2021 10:52 AM
Monday, February 15, 2021 10:52 AM

The whole reality of serving God comes down to one simple word — obedience. Do we love Him, respect Him, appreciate Him enough to do what He asks? Simple, right? It’s always easier said than done.

The establishment attacks our beliefs:

During the last year, and now the first months of 2021, we have seen an attack on the church that is unprecedented in our lifetime. It’s not just an attack on the church service itself, it is an attack on our very beliefs. Our belief is in what the Bible teaches is right and wrong, good and evil.

Some so-called Christians side with the unbelievers:

Probably one of the most disheartening things about this dichotomy is how many people who call themselves Christians have agreed with unbelievers, taken the side of the ungodly over the Scriptures. One is too many in my opinion. Instead of following Christ and His teaching, they have succumbed to fear instead of operating in faith, believing in things that cannot be proven (such as mask-wearing, not attending church, etc.) instead of putting the word of God first. Why can’t these people just admit they are afraid and have no faith or don’t really believe in God’s word? It would make it easier to see the truth.

God desires obedience:

The truth is, we should never allow anything to keep us from obeying the word of God. Even if we get it wrong at times, make a mistake, we should always come back and purpose to obey His word (the Bible). Obedience is what God desires.

It really is very refreshing to see so many standing on the promises of God, attending church, serving, helping others. To all of you who are keeping the faith, thank you, because it truly is an honor to serve with you.

Just a thought,


Monday, February 8, 2021 9:57 AM

My Way Is the Highway!

Monday, February 8, 2021 9:57 AM
Monday, February 8, 2021 9:57 AM

God has given every man and woman free will. We have the freedom to choose which path we will take. We have the freedom to choose life or death.

The ungodly choice:

There is not a single day that we do not face the same test that was set before Adam. From the beginning of time until the present moment, the choice has remained the same. Man’s ungodly quest for power, his determination to use his gift of free choice for his own selfish end, has brought him to the brink of doom.

The godly choice:

The better choice is that we can use our free will to obey God’s word — lay down our will so we can take on His will. As Jesus said, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” When we are dealing with difficult circumstances in our lives, painful moments, we too must pray and decide, Not my will God, but Your will be done. God’s will is for us to purpose to obey Him and His word.

Your choice:

There is only one way to serve and follow God — His way! We don’t get to make up our own idea and theology and expect God to be OK with that. Too many people think this way, Well, God understands why I’m not doing His word, and we believe God is OK with that. He is not OK with us ignoring His word for our own way. But again — it’s your choice.

My prayer is we choose life and not death.

Just a thought,


Sunday, January 31, 2021 8:58 PM

The Narrow Gate

Sunday, January 31, 2021 8:58 PM
Sunday, January 31, 2021 8:58 PM

You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it (Matthew 7:13–14 NLT).

One way:

Becoming a believer is not difficult, but what we need to understand is that there is only one way to eternal life. Jesus said, “Only a few decide to walk that road.” It’s the walk that is difficult — living His way according to the word of God, renewing our minds, changing habits, giving up on ideas that aren’t from God, letting go of traditions that aren’t godly, purposing to do what He asks us to do, keeping our minds right, continuing to trust God through difficult, hurtful moments in our lives. That’s what is difficult. That’s why very few ever find God’s way.

Show me the benefits:

So many want God’s salvation (they don’t want to go to hell), but they don’t want His instruction, His correction. They want the benefits without doing the work. It doesn’t happen that way. You get to choose, life or death.

Choose ye this day:

According to God’s word, many choose hell. Why? Because serving God requires change — reflection, changing our thinking. Most people want to believe whom they want to believe, and want God to be OK with that. But He is not OK with that.

We must be transformed by renewing our minds, thinking; then, and only then, will we find the narrow gate. Our choice.

Just a thought,


Monday, January 25, 2021 11:37 AM

Love vs Acceptance

Monday, January 25, 2021 11:37 AM
Monday, January 25, 2021 11:37 AM

Does Jesus accept everyone and everything? The simple answer is, He does not.

Heaven and hell:

Jesus loves everyone, but that doesn’t mean He accepts everyone and everyone’s lifestyle. Because of this, so many will miss heaven and end up spending eternity in hell. Jesus doesn’t accept every religion or everyone’s lifestyle choice. When we come to Him, we must be willing to change.


Lauren Daigle said, “Ellen DeGeneres is a bundle of light. She is joyful. She was so kind. Ellen is just a beautiful person.” The problem with this is that no one who actually reads the Bible can be under the slightest doubt as to what the Bible says about homosexuality. It is sin. Ms. Daigle began her comments by stating that she has homosexual friends. So what? If she does, she should want to tell them the truth so they could possibly repent and get right with God.

Jesus’ love:

We must love people enough to tell them the truth — that they can be healed and delivered from their sin. In Romans 1:18–32, the Bible says God has made the truth obvious to the ungodly. So, Ellen is not a bundle of light but of darkness, leading many to hell. She, just like anyone else, needs to repent and begin to live according to the word. Jesus accepts us the way we are, as long as we are willing to repent and change our ways, our lives, to line up with His word. If we are not willing, we are doomed to eternal death.

Let’s not be deceived. Let’s begin, as never before, to purpose to do the will of God. Proverbs 10:4 (KJV) says, He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Just a thought,


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:17 AM

Hope Eternal

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:17 AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:17 AM

When someone we love dies, we grieve their loss. It is part of healing. We grieve because we love. If you don’t want to ever experience the pain of loss, don’t ever love anyone.

Good grief:

The difference is: if we are believers, we do grieve, but not like those who are not saved. They believe death of this physical body is the final end. But those of us who believe in Jesus realize it is only the beginning of eternal life — to be with our Savior and His Father forever. So, we grieve with hope.

The last enemy:

A person’s death is sad for us, but glorious for them. God wants us to love one another, to care, and He knows when someone we love leaves this earth that it hurts. That is why death is called the last enemy. It is an enemy, no doubt.

Hope and healing:

So, as we meditate on the word of God and believe Him and believe in heaven, God, by His Spirit, begins to bring hope and healing to our hearts and minds. We don’t quit caring and loving others: we keep loving and caring for others. Why? Because of the hope God has given us eternal life with Him. I often think, If I could leave my loved ones with anyone, it would be God.I also believe that once those who are saved get a glimpse of heaven, they don’t want to come back here.

So be hopeful! Never give up hope!Just a thought,


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