Legacy Academy's primary instructional foundation is on the Bob Jones curriculum. Supplemental material is used as needed. We believe building a solid educational foundation while teaching the Bible is best. The curriculum integrates a Biblical foundation while providing a traditional education for students to learn necessary skills that are vital to further their education.
Legacy Academy is accredited with the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS). ACTS provides educational standards which Legacy Academy is required to fulfill in order to provide a quality education for your child. Legacy Academy is required to undergo an annual review with ACTS to maintain our accreditation status.
Bible class is held daily for all grades. Bible is taught using the Bob Jones curriculum and supplemental materials as needed. Legacy Academy uses the New Living Translation version of the Bible as the standard throughout all grades. Although teachers may use other versions to emphasize learning, it is essential to have a consistent version in classrooms for standardized class memorization and grading purposes.
In Psalm 139:14 it states, “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This scripture is incorporated to teach students to perform physical activities to the best of their ability. Our goal is for the instruction to teach them to rejoice in who God created them to be and to safeguard the body (temple) with which God has blessed them. P.E. is designed to develop skills in each student that provide a basis for future skills and good habits. Another goal is to provide a positive learning environment and emphasize the joy and rewards of physical activity. It is designed to cultivate behaviors that last a lifetime.
South Campus
Students in K-2 have access to iPads and a wide variety of teacher-approved digital resources.
In grades 3-5, students receive instruction in using 21st-century skills in their classrooms. These students also receive instruction in proper keyboarding techniques to maximize their typing efficiency. Students in grades 3-5 have access to Chromebooks (1:1) and are instructed and supported using Google Classroom and Google for Education Suite tools.
North Campus
Students in grades 6-12 receive instruction in using 21st-century skills in our computer lab and in their classrooms. Students can also access Chromebooks (1:1) during core classes.
All students have access to iPads and various teacher-approved digital resources.
Legacy Academy is so proud of our student-led chapel services. Both of our campuses have chapel weekly. Our Chapel Band students lead praise and worship using the talents God has given them. In our Chapel Class, students use their creativity to plan fun and engaging chapel services for the student body.
Legacy Academy holds students to high standards academically. As academic performance at the elementary level is significantly impacted by influences outside of an elementary student’s control, honor roll eligibility will begin in 6th grade and continue through high school. Students in grades 6-12 who maintain consistent exemplary academic standards will be recognized by inclusion in the honor roll.
Music class is designed for students to understand basic music theory and develop a love for music to give praise and worship to God. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Music class focuses on developing note-reading skills, aural skills, rhythmic patterns, intonation, and tonality. Emphasis is placed on having various musical experiences and learning foundational music skills to glorify God ultimately.


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