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"Procrastinators Unite!"
Procrastination perpetuates the status quo and you end up losing ground. Procrastination means to put off doing something unpleasant or burdensome until a future time. We tend to put things off that we don't like or want to do, even if they're important to us. Procrastination is one of the top causes of stress, and can eventually lead to mental and physical health problems.
One way we can eliminate the need to put things off is to change our thinking from, I hate doing (fill in the blank) and doing it at the last minute, to thinking and talking differently about it. When you constantly say you don't like to do something when you know it has to be done, you have to change the way you see it. For example, all of us have something we don't like to do, but do it anyway. If we started to say we like doing it, and begin to affirm this in our minds and speak it out loud, the way we feel about it will change. Then the feelings towards stuff we dislike doing and would rather put off until later will soon change and this will help you spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
Just a thought, God bless.
Published on Monday, August 22, 2011 @ 10:32 AM MDT

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