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Separate Yourselves
In order to follow God, to accomplish goals, to be successful, we will have to separate ourselves — from people, entertainment, distractions. We separate ourselves — in order to concentrate, to do the work that will be required for us to follow God and be successful. Nothing changes if nothing changes. What are some of the changes that you will need to make, habits you will need to break, thinking that you will need to change, to follow God and accomplish your goals?
Separate means cause to move or be apart. There is always a season when children separate from mom and dad. It’s for their good and health and well-being going forward in life. We even need to separate from our parents if we are going to have a successful marriage. We can love our parents, honor them, but we must separate from them and cleave to our husband/wife. That means parents don’t get a say in our marriage unless we ask them. They don’t get to bad-mouth our spouse. If you are an in-law and you are interjecting yourself unannounced into your children’s marriage, then back off.
It’s healthy when kids separate from parents, just as it’s healthy for us when we separate ourselves from this world and its ways and philosophies — from the naysayers and the doubt peddlers. It’s all our choice. Separate yourself from anything that is a distraction from serving God, and you will see it was well worth it.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, August 7, 2023 @ 10:19 AM MDT
Unity With Diversity
In the broader discourse of societal change and justice, one perception associates social justice with a desire for uniformity or sameness among people, often linking it to principles of communism, where wealth and resources are ideally shared equally among all. While such ideals aim to address disparities and promote fairness, critics argue that they can sometimes oversimplify individual needs and blur the complexities of human diversity. Additionally, detractors may associate this with an overreach of state power, expressing concerns about the potential for infringement on personal liberties and individualism.
From a biblical standpoint, while concepts like sharing and community support are emphasized, there's also a strong acknowledgement of individuality and personal responsibility. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul advises, For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." This suggests an expectation of individual effort and contribution, not just communal sharing. Additionally, in 1 Corinthians 12:14-20, the apostle Paul uses the metaphor of the body and its various parts to illustrate how individuality and diversity are vital components of a functioning, harmonious community.
Therefore, a biblical perspective invites a balance between communal support and individual responsibility, acknowledging the value of both shared resources and individual efforts. It cautions against extreme uniformity or enforced equality, which can undermine individual freedom and personal responsibility. Instead, it offers a model that respects individual differences while fostering a community that supports each other in love and respect. While societal models like communism strive for uniform equality, the Bible presents a different perspective, promoting both communal unity and individual diversity in a delicate balance.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, July 31, 2023 @ 4:59 PM MDT
Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain
Happiness, in many ways, is like a wave. It's a state of emotional high that comes with experiencing something joyous or fulfilling. This could be anything from acing a test, getting a job promotion, to spending quality time with loved ones. However, just like a wave, it peaks and then recedes. It's reliant on external circumstances and events, most of which are beyond our control. This makes happiness fleeting, a temporary state of joy that can easily be disrupted by life's challenges and uncertainties.
On the other hand, contentment is like a deep and steady current beneath the ocean's surface. It's an enduring sense of peace and satisfaction that comes from within. Contentment is accepting and appreciating what we have and where we are in life. It's a perspective that is less about the external world and more about our inner state. It's about recognizing that while we may not have everything, we have enough. Unlike happiness, contentment is not easily swayed by life's ups and downs.
While both happiness and contentment bring positive feelings, their sources and lasting power differ significantly. The pursuit of happiness can sometimes lead to a constant chase for temporary highs and can potentially leave us feeling unfulfilled in the long run. On the other hand, nurturing contentment can provide us with a steady source of satisfaction and peace, even in the face of adversity. This is not to say that we shouldn't seek happiness, but rather, we should strive for the deeper, more sustaining experience of contentment. Contentment provides us with the strength and stability to enjoy happiness when it comes, without being dependent on it.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, July 24, 2023 @ 9:01 AM MDT
Humble Yourself
Humility is a life extender:
1. Have a healthy perspective — This can help you face difficult truths about weaknesses in your life, identify and build on strengths, and force growth and change.
2. Understand Who really did it — James 1:17a: Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father.
3. Mention others often — If life is about us only, it becomes very self-serving. We need to serve others.
4. Invest in others — When you help others, God will help you.
5. Love makes you relevant — Always put the word of God first.
6. Integrity is the key — Keep your word.
7. Take your eyes off the scoreboard — Keep serving, no matter what.
8. Yield to the Holy Spirit — He is our teacher; He leads and guides us; He comforts us; He knows exactly what we should do.
Let’s all work on yielding and obeying God and His word. He gives grace to the humble.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, July 17, 2023 @ 12:10 PM MDT
God First!
In Matthew 6:33, the Bible proclaims, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This verse instructs us to put God first in every area of our lives. It implies that we should not be overly concerned with our earthly wants and needs, but rather prioritize our spiritual growth and our relationship with God. Putting God first means acknowledging Him as the source of our existence, the giver of all blessings, and the ultimate authority in our lives. It means surrendering our will to His and striving to live according to His teachings.
Similarly, Proverbs 3:5-6 advises, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse underscores the significance of trusting God and incorporating Him into every aspect of our lives. To put God first, we must learn to rely on His wisdom and guidance rather than solely on our understanding. It involves seeking His will in all our decisions, big or small, and acknowledging Him in all we do.
Putting God first influences every aspect of our lives — our relationships, work, finances, health, and even leisure. It calls for a daily commitment to prayer, reading and meditating on the word, and living a life of obedience and service. It also involves loving and serving others, for in doing so, we are demonstrating our love for God. When God is our primary focus, our lives are enriched with peace, joy, and a sense of purpose. When we honor God with all areas of our lives, He promises to guide us, meet our needs, and bless us abundantly.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, July 10, 2023 @ 8:57 AM MDT

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