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Fake Faith
Materialism: a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.
Material mindset:
This is really the thing that defines our society as a whole. This mindset has also crept into the Church as well, where people seek to possess things, to have more stuff rather than have a true relationship with God.
Needs vs wants:
God promises to meet our needs if we seek Him first — if we make a decision that He comes before anything else. So many get discouraged, maybe even disillusioned with God, because they don’t have everything they want. There is a difference between needs and wants. A need is a basic necessity of life (food, clothing, shelter). A want is anything outside of a need.
Biblical mindset:
You can’t allow yourself to be disappointed in God because you believe He hasn’t lived up to what you think the Bible teaches. So much of what we believe is not biblical. I call this a fake faith. A fake faith is believing in something God never said. God will perform only His word. He can’t perform someone else’s word — only His. Much of what people believe today about God is not in His word, made-up fables that cause people to be discouraged. God promises to meet our needs if we keep His word. His word teaches we must tithe (10% of our income goes to the Church, nowhere else), then give offerings. His promises are conditional — certain conditions have to be met, then He becomes your provider.
Let’s learn what the Bible actually teaches and then become doers of that. I believe what we will discover is a very loving, merciful God who does care about us.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, October 9, 2023 @ 12:46 PM MDT
Self-Reliance vs. Serving God
Self-reliance and serving God are concepts that stand in stark contrast within the Christian worldview. Self-reliance — the principle of depending on one’s own capabilities, judgments, and resources — fosters a sense of autonomy and self-sufficiency. This individualistic approach often leads to a belief in one’s ability to control and navigate life's circumstances without external aid, overshadowing the need for divine intervention and guidance. It propagates the illusion of human independence and can result in a life directed by self-interest and personal ambition, potentially veering one away from the moral and spiritual compass provided by faith in God.
Conversely, serving God is anchored in humility, submission, and a profound acknowledgment of human limitations. It involves surrendering one’s will, desires, and understanding to the omnipotent, omniscient Creator, trusting in His wisdom, provision, and purpose above all. Serving God implies living in alignment with His principles and commands, seeking His glory rather than personal acclaim. It nurtures a dependence on God's strength rather than one’s own, recognizing that true fulfillment and purpose are found not in self but in a vibrant, obedient relationship with the Creator. This divine service directs one’s life towards love, righteousness, and eternal values, in contrast to the temporal, self-centered pursuits inherent in self-reliance.
The tension between self-reliance and serving God reveals the ongoing spiritual battle within the human heart between pride and humility, self-will and submission. While self-reliance elevates the self, serving God elevates the divine, transcending human understanding and capabilities. The pursuit of God's will and the service to His kingdom necessitate the dethroning of the self, replacing self-reliance with a reliance on God. This symbiotic relationship with the divine allows for a transformation of the heart and mind, facilitating a life of enduring peace, joy, and purpose, illuminated by the eternal light of divine truth and love.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, October 2, 2023 @ 11:06 AM MDT
Victim Mentality and the Power of God's Word
The victim mentality is a pervasive mindset where an individual consistently sees themself as a victim, regardless of the actual circumstances. This mindset can manifest in feelings of powerlessness, a belief that the world is against them, and a tendency to blame external factors for personal setbacks. Such a perspective can trap an individual in a cycle of negativity, preventing them from recognizing their own agency and the potential for change.
God's Word offers a powerful antidote to this self-defeating mindset. Throughout the Bible, there are countless stories of individuals who, despite facing genuine adversity, relied on their faith and God's promises to rise above their circumstances. Joseph, for instance, was sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned, yet he maintained his faith, recognizing God's hand in all events of his life. His story in Genesis reminds us that even in the face of grave injustice, one can find purpose and meaning through God's greater plan. Similarly, scriptures such as Romans 8:28, which assures us that "all things work together for good to those who love God," encourage believers to view challenges not as perpetual victimhood but as part of a divine narrative.
To overcome the victim mentality with the Word of God, one must immerse themself in the scriptures, drawing strength from the promises and testimonies contained within. Regular prayer, meditation on the Word, and fellowship with other believers can reinforce a mindset of empowerment, resilience, and hope. By internalizing God's unconditional love and purpose for each individual, one can transition from seeing themself as a perpetual victim to recognizing their identity as beloved children of God, equipped with the strength to overcome any challenge.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, September 25, 2023 @ 11:46 AM MDT
The Dance of Trust and Faith
Trusting God: A Timeless Anchor
In a world that constantly shifts and changes, trusting in God remains our timeless anchor. Trust is more than a simple belief: it's a steadfast reliance on the unchanging nature of God amidst life's storms. Many times, the waves of uncertainty, fear, and doubt threaten to overwhelm us, but it's in these moments that our trust in God is both tested and solidified. Just as a tree's roots grow deeper seeking water during dry times, our trust in God deepens as we seek Him during our challenges. This trust is built on the foundation of God's character — His unwavering love, His omnipotence, and His promises that have stood the test of time.
Faith in God: The Journey Beyond Sight
Faith, often described as the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen, propels us into a journey beyond our physical sight. It calls us to see with our spiritual eyes, to envision a reality molded by God's divine hand even when our surroundings suggest otherwise. Abraham's faith, for instance, led him to unknown lands and promised blessings. It wasn't the physical reality that guided him, but the promises of a God he had come to know and love. This faith is not passive: it's dynamic and active, pushing us forward, encouraging us to take steps even when the path is unclear. It's a faith that says, "I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future."
The Dance of Trust and Faith
Trusting God and having faith in Him are intrinsically linked, two sides of the same spiritual coin. While trust is our anchor, keeping us grounded, faith is the wind in our sails, pushing us forward. Together, they form a dance, a rhythm of life that keeps us centered on God. When we trust, we surrender control, acknowledging God's sovereignty. When we have faith, we move forward, acting on the belief that God is with us every step of the way. This dance is not always easy: it often requires letting go of deeply held desires, facing our fears, and stepping into the unknown. Yet, with every step, twirl, and leap, we find that God's hands are there to guide and support us, leading us into a future filled with hope.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, September 18, 2023 @ 3:12 PM MDT
Facing Difficult Conversations Head-On
Difficult conversations are an inevitable part of life, whether in our personal relationships or in the workplace. They demand vulnerability, honesty, and a willingness to navigate through uncomfortable feelings. Often, the mere thought of initiating these discussions can instill a sense of dread, primarily due to the uncertainty of the other person's response or the potential repercussions. However, avoiding them can lead to greater misunderstandings, a buildup of resentment, or missed opportunities for growth.
At the heart of any challenging conversation is the desire for understanding and resolution. Active listening becomes crucial, allowing both parties to express their feelings and concerns without interruption. A successful dialogue is built on mutual respect and an understanding that the intention is not to win an argument, but to achieve clarity and, hopefully, find common ground. Additionally, it's vital to approach these interactions with an open mind, free from preconceived judgments. This mindset ensures that the conversation remains constructive, rather than escalating into a heated argument. James 1:19-20 exhorts us that “Everyone should be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath, because the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
In both personal and professional settings, embracing difficult conversations can lead to deeper connections, increased trust, and a clearer path forward. By confronting issues head-on and with empathy, we not only address the immediate concern but also pave the way for more open communication in the future. While it's never easy to dive into sensitive topics, the rewards — strengthened relationships, resolved conflicts, and personal growth — are well worth the effort.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, September 11, 2023 @ 12:38 PM MDT

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