Subscribe To Pastor Steve's Weekly Just A Thought
The Great Commission
I want to share with you some thoughts that have been on my heart about the incredible depth of God's acceptance, the vital role of evangelizing, and the importance of making disciples.
Firstly, let's remember the vastness of God's acceptance. No matter our past, our mistakes, or the paths we've walked, God's love for us remains constant and unwavering. He isn't focused on where we've been, but on where we are going and the condition of our hearts. It's an ever-present reminder that it's never too late to turn or return to Him. Just as the prodigal son was welcomed with open arms, so too are we, always. This truth should bring us comfort and encourage us to extend the same unconditional love to others.
Secondly, evangelism is a calling that we all share as believers. We hold the most vital message for the world — the Good News of God’s love and salvation. It's not only our privilege but our duty to share this message. Evangelism is not reserved for a select few: it is a part of the Christian journey, an act of sharing the greatest gift we've ever received. It's about reaching out, making connections, and opening doors to new beginnings in Christ.
Lastly, making disciples is more than just leading someone to Christ; it's a commitment to walk alongside them in their faith journey. True discipleship means nurturing, mentoring, and guiding new believers as they grow in their understanding and love for God. It's about creating a supportive community where we all learn, grow, and encourage each other in our walk with Christ. As we disciple others, we not only fulfill the Great Commission but also replicate the love and teachings of Jesus in our own lives and those around us.
As we continue in our faith, let's hold these truths close to our hearts. Let's be a community/Church known for its unwavering love, active sharing of the Gospel, and dedication to nurturing and growing together in Christ.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, January 29, 2024 @ 3:17 PM MDT

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