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Monday, August 22, 2022 8:28 AM

Accepting Responsibility

Monday, August 22, 2022 8:28 AM
Monday, August 22, 2022 8:28 AM

In order to grow and be truly successful, we all need to learn to take full responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

The blame game:

Blaming others will not help you — it will only hurt you, leave you stuck in life. It won’t allow you to move forward. Complaining all the time will do the same, along with causing you to be miserable. Complaining never resolved anything. This is all some people do — see only the bad and never the good. If you are a complainer, it will hinder your growth in every area of your life.


The Bible teaches us to study to be quiet (1 Thessalonians 4:11). Don’t worry so much about what others do. Concentrate on what you are supposed to be doing.

Own it:

Accepting personal responsibility means taking ownership of your own behavior and the consequences of that behavior. Until we all learn to accept responsibility for our actions and failures, it will be very difficult for us to develop self-respect or even to have the respect of others. We all make mistakes and poor choices. The same goes for when we fail to act when we know we should. There are times when we look the other way when we know the right thing to do is to take helpful action.

So, we all must let go of things that have happened to us in the past and not use them as an excuse for bad behavior. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20).

Just a thought,


Monday, August 15, 2022 11:30 AM

Seed Time and Harvest

Monday, August 15, 2022 11:30 AM
Monday, August 15, 2022 11:30 AM

In our lives, there is a principle we all live by, whether we realize it or acknowledge it. Genesis 8:22 — As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night.

Do not mock God:

Galatians 6:7 — Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. We are taught that sowing and reaping is huge in our lives. When it says “sow,” it means consistently, continually sow, not a one-time deal.

Be patient:

When we do sow, we will need to be patient, waiting on the harvest to come in. That’s why Paul wrote, Do not grow weary in well doing. We must keep sowing to God’s ways if we want to reap a good harvest. If we do sow bad seed, we must be quick to repent. Ask God to pluck those seeds up, those weeds up.

Sow to the Spirit:

When we begin to do what God wants us to do, this is called sowing to the Spirit (God’s ways). We should just slow down each and every day and ask ourselves, What type of seeds am I sowing? Hopefully, that will help us to sow to the Spirit.

We should sow good seeds so that one day we will reap a great harvest of blessings. It’s always our choice.

Just a thought,


Monday, August 8, 2022 8:29 AM

You Have a ’Tude!

Monday, August 8, 2022 8:29 AM
Monday, August 8, 2022 8:29 AM

In a world where many things are seemingly out of our control, it is important to remember that there is one thing we are always in control of — our words. The words that create our thoughts, the words that tell our story, the stories we tell ourselves dictate the way we feel. The way we feel equals our attitude, and that is all under our control.

We control it:

There is not much we can control in our lives. We can’t control what anyone else does; we cannot control what someone else says, or thinks. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control what we think, what we say, the things we do. We can control our attitude. Our attitude will determine our altitude. How much we accomplish, the opportunities that come our way are a result of our attitude.

Someone fixes it:

No one likes a bad attitude. In fact, when our kids were small, my wife and I would say to them at times, “You correct your attitude or we will, but somebody is going to correct it.”

We own it:

Our attitude is just that — ours. It’s all ours. If we have a good attitude or a bad one, our choice. So, if we are not happy, we have the ability to change that by changing our attitude. So, through each and every circumstance, we have a choice of what our attitude will be. We have the ability to change our attitude today. Right now.

It’s about how we see things. Our choice!

Just a thought,


Monday, August 1, 2022 6:57 AM

Whom Do You Fear?

Monday, August 1, 2022 6:57 AM
Monday, August 1, 2022 6:57 AM

Fear of man is defined as an epidemic of the soul that can be characterized by peer pressure, worry, and codependency. It is the act of placing others before God in one’s life.

Being robbed:

We all deal with this at some point in our lives — fear of man vs fear of the Lord. Whom do we want to please more? That is the million-dollar question. Whom do I fear the most, reverence, or trust, man or God? The fear of man will rob us of what God really wants for us.

Pleasing people:

Surely we want, at times, to please others; but never at the expense of serving God. Being a people pleaser is fear of man — being so afraid of being rejected by people to the point that we reject God and His word, that we put someone else’s opinion above the word of God. This hinders so many from honoring God in their lives.

Pleasing God:

So today we need to ask God to help us recognize if we truly fear man more than God, and ask Him to help us to overcome the fear of man. Let's purpose to do the will of God, the word of God, regardless of what others think. Why? Because we consider what God thinks more than what anyone else thinks.

Develop a fear of God that leads to peace and prosperity in our lives over anything and anyone else.

Just a thought,


Monday, July 25, 2022 10:21 AM

God Trips, Not Guilt Trips

Monday, July 25, 2022 10:21 AM
Monday, July 25, 2022 10:21 AM

1 John 3:20 (NLT) — Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.

Greater is He:

We will all make mistakes, and fail at times. When we do, sometimes we will feel guilty. Hopefully, it will lead us to repent (change our minds). We shouldn’t allow guilt to keep us from serving, honoring God. Why? Because God is greater than our feelings. No matter how we feel about ourselves, we should keep doing what God has said.

Moving forward:

Guilt is defined as: a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined. When we do something wrong, we should feel remorse, or feel the emotion of guilt. But, instead of allowing that to destroy us, take us away from God, we need to realize God is greater than our feelings. We need to learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward.


There is a healthy sense of remorse and regret, but we shouldn’t punish ourselves forever. Guilt, in a way, is our feeling we deserve to be punished, but for how long? Forgiveness of ourselves and others will help us to be accountable for our actions. When you have done something wrong, be remorseful. You may regret your action, but be quick to forgive yourself so that you can move on in life. Don’t sentence yourself to years and years of guilt. Recognize your wrong, mistake; take personal responsibility for it; forgive yourself.

No matter what, never quit; keep going.  Why? Because God is greater

than our feelings.

Just a thought,


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