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’Tis the Season of Hope and Joy
’Tis the Season of Hope and Joy
We live in a world where there seems to be a great sense of urgency, especially during the Christmas season.
Hustle and bustle:
The season is marked by all the hustle and bustle from Christmas parties to end-of-the-year deadlines at work, to endless family gatherings, to last-minute shopping for the perfect gift. Marketers don’t make it any easier. Have you ever heard, “Hurry while supplies last,” or “limited time only”? None of us wants to be left out or made to feel as if we missed something good. So, there is this push to hurry, hurry, hurry.
Sharing the gospel:
The word “urgency” means: importance requiring swift action, giving us a sense that we need to do something, go somewhere. As believers in the Lord Jesus, we should have a sense of urgency when it comes to sharing the gospel. Mark 16:15 (ESV) — “And he [God] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’"
Going into all the world:
The word “go” means: as you are going, or as you’re living — as you’re golfing; as you’re working out; as you are at work, living, buying a new home; as you’re going to college or school; or as you’re just hanging out. In other words, as you’re living life, there should be this sense of urgency to share the gospel — the good news — to tell others what God has done for you.
Write your testimony in a hundred words or less, and be prepared to share the gospel with others as you are living your life. Make a difference!
Just a thought and merry Christmas,
Published on Monday, December 26, 2022 @ 9:22 AM MDT

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