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Serve God with Fastings and Prayers
I want to encourage you that whatever fast you do, finish it, complete it.
Fleshly appetites:
If this were easy on our flesh, then everyone would do it a lot more. If you have never fasted, it will amaze you how strong our fleshly appetites are — how much of a struggle it is to deny these fleshly appetites. It will take discipline, will power, and God’s Holy Spirit to help you. Push through; don’t give up.
The bread of life:
The Bible says we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The word of God will sustain you. So, while you are fasting, spend time — extra time — in prayer and reading your Bible.
To him that believeth:
Believe for something in your personal life — maybe a breakthrough in an area, maybe for a family member, maybe you need the wisdom of God. But believe for God to do something in your personal life. Then pray and believe for God’s Church (Legacy Church) to thrive and grow and reach more and more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ — that the lost would come in, that our church finances would increase so we can continue to expand His Church, making more and more room for the harvest of souls that He is sending us. Let’s believe God together for great things to happen in our personal lives, for the Church, and for our city.
Remember: finish it, no matter what. Push through and watch God move in your lives.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, April 11, 2022 @ 9:39 AM MDT

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