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Not My Will, But Thine
When someone surrenders to someone or something, it means they have ceased resisting an enemy or opponent, and have submitted to their authority. That is what God requires of us.
Above all:
When we truly surrender to God, we are surrendering our instinctual interests which can be selfish and destructive by nature. Surrendering ourselves to God is to pursue truth and righteousness above all else. This means to pursue His word (the Bible), and put it first in our lives. It means to put the word of God into practice in our lives — purposing to do what it teaches above all else — putting His thoughts, His ways of thinking and doing things, above all else.
Every aspect:
In order to surrender our lives to God, we must quit resisting Him, and submit every aspect of our lives to Him. Once we surrender our lives to Him, that’s when we will begin to experience His help and His blessings in our lives. So, I encourage you to surrender every area of your life to Him.
Don’t wait:
Examine your life today, and if there is an area you have not surrendered to Him, do it today. Don’t wait another moment. It’s not surrender unless you have unconditionally surrendered everything to His will. Stop resisting God and His word in your life.
Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 6, 2024 @ 2:48 PM MDT

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