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Monday, August 13, 2018 7:28 AM

Fear of Man vs Fear of God

Monday, August 13, 2018 7:28 AM
Monday, August 13, 2018 7:28 AM


Are you addicted to approval?


Are you a people pleaser? Do you fear man? Do you find yourself doing things constantly that you dislike so that you fit in, so you can make others happy? Do you cater to others because it makes you feel good about yourself? Do you seek the approval of others in order to feel successful? Do you feel guilty when others don’t get what they want, whether it is right or wrong? Are you indecisive? Are you not honest with people because you are worried about how it will affect them? Do you willingly allow people to constantly take advantage of you? Do you not give your opinion or tell anyone how you feel?

Fear God:

If this describes you, you might be addicted to approval. The Bible calls this the fear of man. It is a very unhealthy way to live your life. You won’t be happy or satisfied. If your self-worth, how you feel about yourself, is dependent upon someone other than God Himself, you are probably addicted to approval. The good news is you can be free from this by getting into the word of God and giving God your whole heart. Whomever you submit yourself to will be the one you will want to please, whether man or God. God should always be first.


So, if this describes you:

  1. Admit it.
  2. Repent from it and ask God to change your heart so that you will love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37-38).
  3. Change your conduct. Ask God to reveal to you when you begin to seek man’s approval over His, and to help you love Him first.

Let Him know you are submitting to His authority.

Just a thought,




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