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Coming to Jesus with Authenticity
In Luke 7:36-50 NLT, we are presented with a stark contrast between Simon the Pharisee and the unnamed sinful woman. The story takes place in Simon's house, where he had invited Jesus to dine with him. Yet, it was not out of genuine interest or belief in Jesus, but rather with an evaluative mindset. Simon, in a way, was trying to "interview" Jesus, to see if He truly fit the bill of a prophet or the Messiah. He, like many other religious leaders of the time, was skeptical and kept Jesus at arm's length. On the other hand, the sinful woman, knowing her unworthiness and the weight of her sins, approached Jesus with genuine humility and desperation. She did not come to test or interview Jesus but to pour out her love, appreciation, and repentance at His feet.
The Act of True Repentance and Forgiveness
The sinful woman's actions toward Jesus — weeping, washing His feet with her tears, and anointing them with expensive perfume — were outward expressions of her deep internal repentance. While Simon merely provided a meal, this woman gave her all, showcasing her understanding of Jesus' true identity and power. When Simon inwardly judged her, Jesus highlighted the disparity between the two by pointing out the lack of basic hospitality Simon showed Him, in comparison to the extravagant love the woman displayed. Jesus' response to the woman, "Your sins are forgiven," demonstrates the depth of God's grace and mercy. No sin is too great for God's forgiveness, and it is available to everyone, regardless of their past.
A Call to Genuine Relationship with Jesus
This passage serves as a profound reminder of how we ought to approach Jesus. It's not with a sense of skepticism, like Simon, but with a genuine heart that recognizes its own shortcomings and is eager to experience His transformative love. Jesus is not a figure to be interrogated or tested, but one to be loved, honored, and followed. The woman's actions underscore the value of genuine repentance and the immeasurable grace Jesus offers. Through her, we see that the weight of our sins should not deter us from seeking Jesus; instead, they should drive us toward Him, knowing that He is the only one capable of granting the forgiveness and peace we so deeply crave.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, October 23, 2023 @ 1:07 PM MDT

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