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An Attitude of Gratitude
Regret is stronger than gratitude. Did you know the dead receive more flowers than the living?
The rut of regret:
Regret is defined as: a feeling often accompanied by sadness, shame, and guilt. Regret is when you wish you had done things differently in your past. It is a robber of life and enjoyment. It leaves us feeling bad about ourselves and really does steal our joy. So, regret is powerful, and so many get stuck there.
Learn from the past:
We cannot go back in our past and do things over. Our decisions are our decisions. The thing we can do is learn from them so we don’t continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. We should learn from our mistakes as well as from our successes. We all have to learn to move forward and not live in the past. Being grateful, I believe, will help us do that.
Be grateful:
Gratitude is defined as: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude is more than feeling thankful for something: it is more like a deeper appreciation for someone (or something) which produces longer lasting positivity and peace of mind. We should be so grateful to God for His forgiveness and His kindness. The Lord is near the heartbroken and He saves those who are crushed in spirit (contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sins) (Psalm 34:18 AMP). If you have blown it living in your past mistakes, if you have been crushed in your heart and mind, repent for whatever part you had in it. God will heal your heart and mind.
Let’s learn and practice gratitude. It will cause our lives to be better.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 12:25 PM MDT

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