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Salt and Light
The Bible teaches us that living a good and pure life isn't just about avoiding bad things: it's also about doing good things like showing love, being patient, being kind, and staying strong and calm, even when things are hard. This idea comes from a part of the Bible, Galatians 5:22-23, that lists these good things. Jesus also talked about this when he said that the people who keep their hearts pure will be able to see God. This means that what we think, say, and do should be good and pure.
In the Bible, Jesus also talks about his followers being the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” This means that Christians should live good and pure lives themselves and also help make the world a better place. Being the “salt of the earth” means keeping the good things about God’s world alive and making life better for others. Being the “light of the world” means helping others see the good in the world and showing them the way to God. By doing this, Christians can help make things better, even when there's a lot of bad stuff happening.
But, the Bible also tells us that it's not always easy to live a good and pure life, especially when there are a lot of bad things happening around us. It can be hard to do the right thing when other people are doing the wrong thing. But the good news is that the Bible says God will always be there to help us. There's a part in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13, that says God won't let us face anything we can't handle. And in another part, Philippians 4:13, it says we can do anything with the help of Jesus. So, even though it can be tough to live a good and pure life, we're not alone. God is always there to help us.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 22, 2023 @ 10:17 AM MDT
Maintaining a Counter-cultural Stance
As a Christian, embracing counter-cultural attitudes and behaviors in the face of societal norms can be a powerful expression of faith and obedience to God's word. Here are three reasons Christians should consider being counter-cultural:
1) Alignment with biblical values: Society's norms and values are constantly evolving, often moving further away from the principles and teachings of the Bible. As Christians, our ultimate authority is God's word, which provides timeless guidance for how we should live. By being counter-cultural, we prioritize biblical values such as love, humility, integrity, and justice, even if they clash with the prevailing norms of society. This means standing up for the sanctity of life, the importance of marriage, and the pursuit of righteousness, even when it's unpopular or deemed outdated by the world.
2) Faithfulness to Christ's teachings: Jesus himself warned his followers that they would face opposition and be hated by the world (John 15:18-19). Being counter-cultural is a natural consequence of faithfully following Christ's teachings, as it often requires going against the flow of societal trends and worldly desires. In a culture that promotes materialism, self-centeredness, and instant gratification, Christians are called to live lives of selflessness, generosity, and self-control. By choosing to be counter-cultural, we demonstrate our allegiance to Christ and prioritize his commandments above the shifting norms of society.
3) Salt and light in the world: Jesus referred to his followers as the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world" (Matthew 5:13-16). By embodying counter-cultural values, Christians have the opportunity to bring about positive change and make a significant impact on society. When we stand up for justice, advocate for the marginalized, show compassion to the hurting, and live out our faith authentically, we become beacons of hope and agents of transformation.
Our counter-cultural stance can challenge the status quo, inspire others to reconsider their own beliefs, and ultimately lead them closer to the truth of the Gospel.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 15, 2023 @ 8:04 AM MDT
Conflict Resolution
Conflict is inevitable. No relationship is immune.
Opportunity knocks:
When managed biblically, conflict can serve as a catalyst for change and an opportunity for spiritual and relational growth. Psychologists define conflict to be: a state of opposition, disagreement, or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people. Conflict mostly refers to the existence of the clash, which can be interests, values, actions, or directions. In a “Peanuts” cartoon, Lucy says to Snoopy, “There are times when you really bug me, but I must admit there are also times when I feel like giving you a big hug.” Snoopy replies, “That’s the way I am … bugable and hugable [sic]!”
And so it is with us and our relationships — we need each other, yet we annoy each other. At times, the people to whom we are the closest are those with whom we experience the most conflict. In friendships, we are off again and on again. Before marriage, opposites attract; but after marriage, opposites attack. In the Church, as the old saying goes, “We long to live in Heaven, together in God’s glory. To live together down on earth, well, that’s another story.”
Might is not right:
Proverbs 15:1 (NLT): A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. We must learn how to handle conflict better, realizing it’s not about being right: it’s about resolving the issue. In Matthew 5:39 (NIV), Jesus said, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” To the Jew, this was offensive. They were looking for a military leader who would help them destroy their enemies. Jesus was saying you must give up your rights. Today, we live in a world where people are taught to stand up, fight for your rights — what you think you deserve. Jesus was teaching us not to demand our rights.
In order to resolve conflict, we must pray and humble ourselves and make it about the issue. The relationship is always more important than the issue.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 8, 2023 @ 8:23 AM MDT
Everyone has principles they live by, which are not negotiable and should never be set aside.
Too many Christians compromise the word of God in their lives. The word of God is not, and should never be, up to negotiation. Compromise can be beneficial when it promotes cooperation without sacrificing normal values, the standard of the Bible. When you begin to take a wrong step in a direction that you know is unwise, it can lead to compromise.
The highest way:
Compromise is defined as an agreement or settlement of dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. It also means to accept standards that are lower than desirable. In other words, when you compromise the word of God to do something you want, you are accepting standards that are lower. God’s ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts are higher, better than our thoughts. God’s ways are always the best ways.
Compromising beliefs has caused so much pain for people. It causes regret. Regret is awful! If you have found yourself compromising the word of God for someone or something, repent quickly and purpose to get it right. Change your ways immediately. Then you will see God’s blessing, His help in your life and family.
Some things are negotiable but never is the word of God. Believe it and act on it. Hebrews 12:10-13.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 1, 2023 @ 7:36 AM MDT
Trust Is A Must!
Either you trust in someone or something, or you don’t.
When you decide to trust someone or something, you are confident about its integrity, strength, or ability. So, in order to trust, the object of your trust must be worthy of your confidence and reliance. For example, we tend to marry someone we trust, and if that relationship remains healthy and continues to grow, the trust level will increase, not decrease.
Father knows best:
As for our spiritual relationship, we need to realize that God has our best interest in mind. Sometimes we look for immediate gratification, where God is looking at the whole picture and for our future. When these ideas clash, it might be tempting to think, God doesn’t care for me or love me.
Trust God:
We have to learn to trust God and have confidence in Him. No matter what, God is the only one who sees our future, and He’s always looking out for us, for our own good, for our life. You can trust Him.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, April 24, 2023 @ 8:41 AM MDT

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