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Monday, June 28, 2021 9:26 AM

The Church Jesus Died For

Monday, June 28, 2021 9:26 AM
Monday, June 28, 2021 9:26 AM

We live in a world that is self-absorbed and all about me. What is best for me is best regardless of whom it hurts or harms.


We have seen in this last year and some months just how selfish people can be. I believe we have seen the best in some, but for the most part, the worst in most. I never realized just how lost and faithless the world is, but also how faithless the Church has become. I asked at the very beginning of the so-called pandemic that we would open up safe, sane, and spiritual. What is so disheartening is that so many who claimed to believe in God and believe in His word reacted to this crisis in a way that doesn’t help anyone but themselves.


The world has a pulpit — the media, the TV — to get out its message of doom and gloom and the necessity to depend on a government that for the most part has abandoned the constitution of these United States. Jesus never told us to quit being the Church and to close our doors and hide from our responsibilities. He told us to occupy, preach the gospel, make disciples, and get filled with the H.S. What we need in the Church as a whole is a shot of faith — faith that God’s word is true, and we can trust Him; whereas so many churches in our city or state refused the call of God to continue to do His will, to continue to be the Church He died for, not isolated, not giving in and submitting to ungodly leaders who are attacking our very faith.


I want to thank the members of Legacy and all who call it their home. You answered the call, and over 3,000 have given their lives to the Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the Church Jesus died for. James 3:16 — For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there is disorder and every evil practice. We have witnessed this firsthand from the ungodly.

Seek Him first. Let’s live generous lives, not selfish ones.

Just a thought,










Monday, June 21, 2021 9:28 AM

The Sincere Milk of the Word

Monday, June 21, 2021 9:28 AM
Monday, June 21, 2021 9:28 AM

The approach, the method, is not sacred. The message is sacred. The word of God is sacred and never changes.


Too many are getting caught up in external things instead of honoring eternal things. There are so many movements in our country, and most of them are not godly, biblical, but we fight over them. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands, millions are dying and going to hell — lost and separated from God forever, and I mean forever. And if you are not in lockstep with this ungodly culture, somehow you are evil. Stand up for righteousness (God’s ways), and you are pure evil. Even some who call themselves Christians think it’s evil.


My people perish for lack of knowledge; this is what is happening. Not only are way too many ignorant of the word of God, they have no desire to learn it, yet they call themselves Christians. If you would rather fight for the world’s causes than learn the word of God, you are probably lost, not saved. If you are unwilling to do what the Bible teaches, or at least strive to do it, then you are probably not born again. 1 Peter 2:2 — Desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow.


All true believers who are growing and wanting to know God desire the word of God. As newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.When we grow, we put God and eternal things first. What are you desiring; what are you putting first in your life? Whatever it is, is your god.

There is only one God, and He is the Father of our Lord Jesus — only one!

Just a thought,


Monday, June 14, 2021 12:55 PM

Feelings or Facts?

Monday, June 14, 2021 12:55 PM
Monday, June 14, 2021 12:55 PM

A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true, the truth about events as opposed to interpretation. Feelings give us information, and they can move us to action, but no matter how powerful they are, they’re not facts.


You can feel like you’re not worth anything. You can even feel like you’re a human failure, and as powerful as those feelings are, it doesn’t make them true. You might say, “I feel afraid.” Even though that is a powerful feeling, you are not fear. In our society we are being indoctrinated into living by how we feel. A boy might say, “I feel like a girl” or vice versa. But just because they feel that way, it is not a fact.


The fact is, we can prove whether you are a male or female. We have been lied to, to believe that our feelings are facts. Some might say, “I don’t feel like God forgave me.” The fact of the matter is, the Bible teaches us that if we truly repent, God will forgive us. What is truer, my feelings or the fact of the truth?

We must begin the journey not to live or make decisions based on a feeling, but on the truth of God's word. It’s not only fact, but it is truth.

Just a thought,


Wednesday, June 9, 2021 11:00 AM

The Solid Rock

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 11:00 AM
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 11:00 AM

Cancel culture has crossed a line, and I believe that it is past time for the body of Christ, joined in unity all over the land, to take a stand.

A sure foundation:

“On Christ, the solid rock, I stand / All other ground is sinking sand / All other ground is sinking sand.” This an excerpt from a poem I read. I believe it expresses a real truth that we either build our lives on the teachings of the Bible or on something else. When we live our lives on the solid rock of the word of God, we have a sure foundation — a foundation so strong that whatever storm, problem, or heartbreak comes our way, we will be able to stand and continue to serve Jesus.

Sinking sand:

But when we build our lives on anything else, it is sinking sand. The philosophies of this world or people’s believing they can use a hybrid model won’t sustain us, won’t help us stand against the evil that is in the world. We either stand on the solid rock of the word or it is pointless. Living some of Jesus and some of the world’s philosophies equals sinking sand. Then, when the storms of life and persecution come, we won’t be able to stand because this type of foundation cannot sustain us.

Don’t be deceived: begin today to live by the only real truth — the word of God.

Just a thought,


Tuesday, June 1, 2021 9:07 AM

Developing a Process

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 9:07 AM
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 9:07 AM

Do you have a process to succeed or one to fail? What habits do you do every day that cause you to succeed or to fail?


So many fail continually in life because they haven’t developed skills (a process to continually succeed). Do we dwell on our mistakes or do we learn from them and move on? These questions, if answered properly — truthfully — can change our lives forever.


How we react to bad news, adversity can determine how successful we can become in life. Do we break down, fall apart, begin blaming someone or something, or do we look at it, see it for what it is, and begin to calmly walk through it? It’s our choice — we learn or we succeed. When you fail — make a mistake, make a bad decision — learn from it. Don’t allow it to sidetrack you, deceive you, but begin a process to learn from it.


Someone used an example of traffic lights: 10% of the time you are in the green, 10% of the time you are in the red, and 80% of the time you live in yellow where decisions are being made which will determine how you go into the red or green. But without devloping a process to win, to overcome, you will fail. As believers, I believe we all need to develop a process that helps us win more.

  1. Schedule a time to read the word and purpose to do it.
  2. Schedule a time to pray.
  3. Make church a priority in your life.
  4. Serve God by serving others.
  5. Give — be generous — make sure you are honoring God financially.

If you do these things, you will find your life is much better and you will win more.

What are your processes leading you to — failure or success? Your choice, always!

Just a thought,


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